Autoria: Profa: Rafaela Haynes

Nível: A2

  • Para obter um bom resultado nessa atividade, o professor deve ter trabalhado previamente com os dois tempos verbais (Simple Present e Present Continuous);
  1. Distribuir a cada aluno uma cópia do Handout (disponibilizado no final deste plano de atividade). Pedir para que os alunos encontrem os erros gramaticais presentes no exercício 1 (nessa parte o professor pode escolher falar a quantidade de erros que os alunos devem encontrar ou não, dependendo do perfil dos alunos da sala);
  2. Depois que os alunos encontrarem os erros, pedir para que, em duplas, discutam como corrigi-los; Após a interação, o professor pode pedir para que cada uma das duplas corrija um erro na lousa ou em voz alta;
  3. Para finalizar, o professor pode pedir para que cada aluno produza seu próprio texto individualmente (exercício 2 do handout).


  1.  In the text bellow, Lucy is narrating her routine and the things that changed during the quarantine. However, there are some grammar mistakes in the text. Try to find the mistakes and correct them:

Hello there, my name is Lucy and I live in Seattle since I was born. I live in a small house with my two kids, Lana and Fred. Lana has 6 years old and Fred has 3 years old. They are really good kids. Every day I wake up at 7 o’ clock and prepare our breakfast. Lana wake up at 7.30 am and takes her shower. Fred is a lazy boy, so he wake up at 8 o’clock and don’t takes a shower. We usually eat breakfast together. I take the kids to school and arrive at work at 9 am. Lana’s teachers says that she is a really dedicated student, in the other hand, Fred’s teachers are always complaining about how talkative he is and that he talk to everyone during the classes. Now that we living in a social distance, I am working at home. Because of that, I am wake up a little bit late. The kids is having breakfast at different times this week, because they not having classes for now. Many things changed since quarantine started. Usually I go grocery shopping at least once a week at the big supermarket in downtown, however this semester I go only twice a month at the local supermarket. Lana does not liking to study at home, she says that she cannot learn, but Fred really enjoying the activities. My kids goes to their father’s house every weekend, but at this point, they are not going anymore. I just hope things can get normal again as soon as possible.

  1.  Now it’s your turn, write a text narrating your daily routine and the things that changed during the quarantine.