Autoria: Profa. Rafaela Haynes
Atualizado por Pedro Marinelli de Carvalho
Nível: A2
- Apresentar aos alunos as frases de opinião;
- Exercitar o verbo can no contexto de super-heróis.
- Projetor para exibir os textos e imagens contidos no corpo do plano de aula;
- Texto sobre o Batman;
- A tabela de de frases no final da Etapa 1 pode ser impressa para conveniência dos alunos.
Etapa 1
Para iniciar a aula, o professor vai exibir o seguinte texto e pedir para que alguns alunos leiam.
Batman is one of the most popular superheroes ever made, if not the most popular — ranging from games to movies, one does not need to read comics to know the vigilante of Gotham. He fights crime, beats up thieves and… that’s it? If you stop and think about it, Batman really does not do much to help Gotham at all. Bruce Wayne is rich and spends thousands if not millions of dollars in every piece of technology he uses to fight crime — under the moonlight, he wipes the street of low life thief and fills every single jail cell, alongside with sending all the criminally insane to Arkham. If his methods were effective, why is there so much crime on Gotham? It is always said that Gotham politicians are corrupt and don’t care about the population, which in turn results in low quality of life and eventually high crime rates. So why doesn’t Batman beat up the ruling class then? I don’t think Batman’s method works. In most media, he’s shown to be acting in Gotham for years, if not decades, to the point of being part of the city’s folklore, and yet the Joker keeps blowing up buildings every weekend and Mr Freeze makes entire hospitals hostages. I think that Batman is useless, and just serves to make people of all ages afraid of going out at night (except criminals, apparently). Some people defend Bruce Wayne saying he puts millions in public programs and rehabilitation centers, going as far as even hiring former criminals to his enterprise. If this does happen, then I agree with Batman’s methods and if this keeps up Gotham will only get better.
Destaque ao alunos no texto quando o eu-lírico dá sua opinião, quando ele concorda com uma opinião e quando ele discorda de uma opinião. Em seguida, entregue ou projete a seguinte tabela de frases:
Giving your opinion | Agreeing with an opinion | Disagreeing with an opinion |
In my opinion… | I agree | I don’t think so |
In my view… | I couldn’t agree more | I disagree |
Well, I’d say… | That’s true | I wouldn’t say so |
Let me put it this way… | That’s exactly how I see it | I’m afraid I can’t agree with you/your opinion |
I think/feel/believe… | Precisely | I’m not convinced that… |
My point of view is that… | I’m all in favor of what you’ve been saying | I have my doubts about that |
Etapa 2
Para fixar a tabela apresentada, os alunos vão ler o seguinte texto que trata da visão do Superman e depois responder a algumas perguntas:
Superman’s super vision:
By focusing his vision, Superman can see through any volume of matter, except lead. He can see things behind a solid, opaque object as if it were not there and can focus this ability to “peel back” layers of an object, allowing hidden image or inner workings to be observed. Superman’s enemies have attempted to use lead to hide things from his vision, mistakenly believing that anything with that material is somehow invisible to him. On the contrary, lead’s opaqueness to his X-ray vision makes the material easy to spot with a wide-angle scan and allows Superman to narrow his search to those opaque objects. He can even intensify his X-Ray vision to the extent that he could use it at a Gamma level to short out a Space Station’s electrical engine. (Fonte: Wiki do Superman)
O professor então vai perguntar aos alunos se a super-visão do Superman seria útil nas seguintes situações, que variam de problemas corriqueiros a até crimes. As perguntas não possuem todas uma resposta correta, o propósito é que os alunos todos expressem sua opinião.
Could Superman find a man’s lost wallet?
Could Superman find the thief of a diamond necklace in a shop full of people?
Could Superman cheat in a game of domino?
Could Superman cheat in a game of cards?
Could Superman find a defect in an Airplane before it takes flight?
Could Superman find a tumour in a hospitalized patient?
Could Superman read a book without opening it?
Etapa 3
A atividade final terá os alunos divididos entre grupos, evitando grupos com um número menor de participantes que os demais. O professor então vai exibir problemas sociais como poluição e queimadas, e os grupos terão que escolher um tema — o ideal é que cada tema seja escolhido por dois grupos para a discussão que será promovida posteriormente, então se há, por exemplo, seis grupos, o professor deve apresentar apenas três opções.
A proposta é que o grupo crie um super herói para combater o problema escolhido, utilizando o verbo modal can — isso é a primeira fase da atividade, então os integrantes do grupo ainda não precisam revelar as suas ideias para o resto da classe. Na segunda etapa é que o professor vai escolher os grupos para que apresentem seu super herói e os poderes dele e grupos para que opinem, criticando ou aplaudindo as ideias.
Sugestões de problemas/desafios: