Autoria: Profa. Mariana Zeferino

Nível: B2

  1.  Comece perguntando aos alunos, se eles são bons em dar conselhos; se costumam pedir conselhos e para quem; se já participaram de algum AdviceColumn em rádio, internet etc. e se acham uma boa ideia pedir conselhos através desses meios de comunicação
  2. Em seguida, entregue aleatoriamente aos alunos tiras de papel – um pedaço
  3. de papel por aluno. Nesses pedaços de papel há um pequeno texto descrevendo uma situação: 
  • Dear E. Jean: I’m a pretty, smart girl who’s gone through shattering, horrible, tragic heartbreak because of a man I absolutely adored. After I spent half a year getting to know him, then a year and a half in the South trying to develop a relationship with him, he unceremoniously dumped me. I came to my senses, moved back to New York, and began a new career. My problem? He is flying in for business and has asked me to dinner. Should I even bother spending an evening with this man? And if I end up seeing him, do I play it cool? Or should I be all sugar, like I normally am? I really want him to eat his heart out! Clearly I’ve lost all perspective.
  • Dear E. Jean: I have a quiet personality. I speak softly. I’ve tried to talk louder. I’ve tried saying, “Please hear me out.” I’ve even raised my voice and said, “Please listen!” And yet, 9 times out of 10, men interrupt and talk over me. They even go so far as to tell me to “calm down” when I’ve raised my voice and am in the middle of saying I would like to “finish my thought.” Why can men use a firm voice and talk over people, yet if a woman does it, they want her to shut up and listen? If a woman is assertive, she’s considered a bitch or told to calm down. I’m beyond pissed.
  • Dear E. Jean: My boyfriend’s mother constantly talks about his ex-girlfriends. She praises their beauty, charm, and achievements; tags them in posts on Facebook; and always “loves” their updates and photos. (She ignores mine.) She makes sure both my boyfriend and I are informed—on a daily basis—about his exes and their well- being. Instead of congratulating me on my recent accomplishments, she asks me to help find his ex-girlfriends jobs at my company! My boyfriend is an only child. She is a single mother who took his moving out and moving in with me very emotionally. (Bear in mind: He’s in his mid-twenties!) We have agreed to spend weekends with her to “keep the peace.” My boyfriend has been very vocal, insisting she stop talking about his exes in front of us, but she reacted by hiring a private detective to find dirt on me and my family. I’m desperate!
  • Dear E. Jean: Friends seem to be drifting away. I contact them and suggest we meet for drinks or dinner, and they usually reply with, “Oh! I’m not in town that day”; Or, “Gosh! I’ve got a ton of work that week!”; Then, when I ask if I should just let them alone, they act surprised! What does all this mean? I don’t know if I should give up on them or not.
  • Dear E. Jean: Should I leave everything and go on a road trip? I’m 27, with an okay job (but no promotions or salary increases in five years), and I’m still living with my parents. Last year, I read Cheryl Strayed’s Wild and started fantasizing about driving across the country on a great American adventure. My mom quit her job at 26 to backpack through Europe. I want to quit my job and travel while I’m young and single—but the risk! Wouldn’t it be smarter to flood the market with my résumé and focus on finding another 9-to-5 that pays better? —My Youth Is Slipping Away

3. Os alunos devem relacionar o trecho do papel às situações. Cada uma das 5 situações está relacionada a um trecho a seguir: 

4. Uma vez que o(a) aluno(a) conseguir relacionar o texto e a situação (peça para a classe ler os papéis em voz alta), solicite que ele(a) proponha um conselho para a situação.